Hard Rock Sawing & Drilling Specialists Co.

Hard Rock Sawing & Drilling Specialists Co. works on some of the largest projects in the Midwest with its experienced, long-tenured team.
By Staci Davidson, Managing Editor at Knighthouse Media

Family businesses can be difficult to maintain – familiarity breeds contempt, as the saying goes. But when families work together well, businesses can thrive, and that is the case with Hard Rock Sawing & Drilling Specialists Co. The company’s familial culture has helped it attract skilled workers who maintain their tenure with the business for the long term, which is key for any company in the construction industry.

“[Owner] Mary Dvoratchek is very understanding with people,” says Mike Hobolich, who performs sales, estimating and other functions for the company, and is Dvoratchek’s son. “She believes family comes first and the job comes second, and as a result, she treats everybody really well.”