Stabilize the shore
In comparison to traditional concrete erosion control infrastructure, ECOncrete’s technology enables a biodiverse ecosystem of marine life to grow on concrete. This infrastructure provides an ecological alternative to traditional concrete, and completes an environmentally-sensitive shoreline erosion control plan. ECOncrete has installed 42 innovative marine mattresses at the site, home to a community of approximately 200 townhouses. The ecological concrete mattresses will be coupled with two additional flooding and erosion control structures, a nearshore sill and upland berm to help dissipate wave energy and protect the adjacent marsh area, which will be restored and planted by a volunteer effort organized by the American Littoral Society. The contractor for the project, Renova Environmental Services is responsible for the regrading of the shoreline, placement of the marine mattresses, construction of nearshore sill, regrading of the eroding marsh and creation of the terrestrial upland berm habitat.
Andrew Rella, PhD, Technical Director of Business Development, ECOncrete Inc., noted that the aim is to create a hybrid living shoreline to prevent the ongoing erosion between the marsh and marina bulkhead at the northwest corner of the Island. “It is also to provide an ecological uplift across the site, which will transform the area for community members looking to utilise the shoreline for recreational purposes, specifically for fishing and kayaking. It is an immense honour to be part of the site’s transformation, restore its ecological balance and help safeguard the township.”